
- pre vajíčka i-Gemm™ 3, i-Snug™ 2, and i-Juva™ - Uchytenie Isofixom alebo 3bodovým pásom auta.

Pre Avionaut Pixel PRO 2.0 C, Avionaut Cosmo, Cosmo 2.0 C a Cosmo 2.0 SMART

- pre Joie i-Snug™ 2, i-Gemm™ 3 a Joie i-Venture™ - polohovateľná

Pre Maxi-Cosi Coral 360, Pebble 360 a Pearl 360. Otočná 360°.

Pre Avionaut Cosmo, Pixel Pro 2.0 C, Aerofix 2.0 C a Aerofix RWF 2.0 C.

- pre i-Gemm™ 3, i-Level™ Recline, i-Harbour™, and i-Snug™ 2, i-Jemini™, i-Juva™, calmi™ R129

Pre Avionaut Cosmo, Pixel Pro 2.0 C, Aerofix 2.0 C a Aerofix RWF 2.0 C.

Pre autosedačky Pixel PRO 2.0 C, AeroFIX 2.0 C a AeroFIX RWF 2.0 C

- pre Pipa next, Arra next, Todl next a Cari next

- pre PIPA™ next, ARRA™ next/flex, TODL™ next

pre Maxi-Cosi Pebble 360 Pro, Pearl 360 Pro a Coral 360